7 Do's & Don'ts of Eloping


Are you trying to plan your intimate elopement wedding but you don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! After years of experience, we have been able to create a super specific list for all you need to know before eloping! This is the best place to start when you are beginning the small wedding ceremony planning process.

hawaii elopement

Check out our list of the 7 Do’s and Don’ts to live by when organizing your elopement, whether it be a destination wedding for just the couple or a romantic, intimate ceremony with your closest family and friends, you’ll definitely need to abide by these rules!

hawaii elopement

1. Do choose somewhere epic to elope. Whether it is somewhere special to you and your partner or somewhere you would love to honeymoon - an elopements affords you the freedom to wed in your dream destination.

elopement wedding

2. Don’t feel guilty about choosing to elope. While it may not be the most popular way to wed, it is perfect for many couples and there should be no guilt about wanting a more intimate experience.

wedding elopement

3.  Do treat it like your wedding day and don’t skimp on style. Wear the dress, get the great shoes, splurge for some flowers - an elopement shouldn’t be a second-class experience and will feel just as special as you walk down the aisle. 

elopement wedding

4. Do hire a great photographer. Not only will you want to remember this day forever, but everyone who didn’t get to attend your day will be begging to see the evidence.


5. Don’t forget to plan something after your ceremony. An amazing dinner for two, a sunset sail or a night out on the town - whatever suits you best, make sure you have a plan to commemorate your big day. 

6. Don’t forget the paperwork. Each destination has different guidelines for making it legal, so you will want to research this well in advance of your elopement date.

7. Do make sure your loved ones feel included in your big news. Make sure they hear about it first and plan something so that they can join you in celebrating.

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There you have it — the 7 Do’s and Don’ts to start planning your intimate destination elopement! Let us know what you think in the comments below!