Find JOY in Wedding Planning


Let’s be honest — Wedding Planning is TOUGH! We want to help you find the joy in planning your wedding during a pandemic. Weddings are meant to be the most special day of your life, not just something you endure through. Trust us, we know how hard it can be in normal times and how stressful Coronavirus has been on all couples planning their wedding during this difficult time. Here are some of our best tips on finding joy in wedding planning during COVID-19.


Make it About You

This is our advice to couples even when there isn’t a pandemic — this is your day and it should be about you! You will be the one who looks back on this day for years to come, not your guests. Do what you want to do, not what you’re expected to do. If this means eloping, go for it! If this means having a courthouse wedding now and a big celebration later, we support it! If it means waiting until a time when everyone can be together, do that!


Celebrate the little moments

If you have had to postpone due to COVID-19, make your original date special by going out to dinner together or saying intimate vows just for the two of you. This will help to dispel any bad feelings and resentment you have towards wedding planning. You definitely do not want to leave a bad taste in your mouth towards your wedding day!


Just get married already!

It is a not a new concept to get married now and have the celebration later, couples have been doing it for years! Often Military couples or couple who are ready to get their joint life started will get married at the courthouse before planning their big celebration. Don’t just settle for a lame formality, make the start of your wedding special even if it is a courthouse or a backyard, you will still remember this moment forever!

Need help planning your wedding during COVID-19? We have a membership just for you!